Saturday, July 25, 2015

Social Media Marketing: Like, Follow, Share Kindle Edition by Suse Barnes

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Social Media Marketing: Like, Follow, Share - Social Media Marketing to Maximize Your Online Potential Kindle Edition

by Suse Barnes


 Social Media Tips and Strategies for Entrepreneurs, Creatives and Freelancers In the past decade, the options for building a brand, attracting new fans, and keeping long-time customers loyal have exploded. Knowing how to optimize your business’s social media efforts and keeping all these balls in the air can be challenging.




  Like, Follow, Share will show you how to use social media to establish an online persona to reach your audience and includes information on:

• Choosing the best social media tool(s) for your business
• Creating and adding value to your social media activities
• The 12 principles of social media
• The best tips and tricks for getting the most out of the major social networks

Don’t let your business get left behind.


About the Authors

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I was happy to get this Kindle Edition ebook titled Social Media Marketing: Like, Follow, Share by Suse Barnes.  I am fairly new to marketing using social media and have not used social media sites to its full potential, so I was looking forward to learning some tricks and tips.  I found this book to be pretty elementary in its explanations, which would be great for someone new to the computer and using social media as a tool to grow their business, product or service.  The Authors explains in great detail for those who are new to social media, so I think that would help a beginner.

 I received this product in exchange for a review. All my opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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